Here's the script:
DECLARE @shop varchar (20)
SET @Txt1=''
SET @shop='WC03'
SELECT @Txt1 = @Txt1 + shop_person +'%2C'
FROM ae_l_shp_d
where shop=@shop and date_to is null
SELECT @shop as shop, LEFT(@Txt1,LEN(@Txt1)-3) AS shop_person
So instead of getting data like this:
I get data that looks like this:
I used the hyperlink editor to dynamically build my hyperlink with these values.
Similarly, I converted sql datetime to URL date time using this script.
select convert(varchar, GW_OPENS_DONES.dates, 23) + '%2000%3A00%3A00.0' as url_date
to make values like this:2015-11-11%2000%3A00%3A00.0
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