We generally look at results on a monthly basis, so to make sure I get all records, I have my start date with a datetime of the first second of the month and the ending date with the last second of the month. And because in Birt you can display one column as the display value and have another column as the data value, I also use a shortened date format that is a little more visually pleasing for the display.
In short, create a data set called start date. Here's your query.
select distinct convert(datetime, convert(varchar,dateadd(day,-datepart(day,ae_p_pst_e.status_date)+1,ae_p_pst_e.status_date), 101)) as starting_date,
right(convert(varchar, status_date, 106), 8) as display_name
from ae_p_pst_e
order by date desc
Then create a data set called end date. Here's that query.
Select distinct dateadd(ss,-1, convert(datetime, convert(varchar,(dateadd (mm,1,status_date - day (status_date)+2)-1), 101))) as ending_date,
right(convert(varchar, status_date, 106), 8) as display_name
from ae_p_pst_e
right(convert(varchar, status_date, 106), 8) as display_name
from ae_p_pst_e
Then create two report parameters called start date and end date. Within the config for each parameter, reference the respective data sets. Set the value column to the data set column with the last/first seconds format, and the display column to the more visually pleasing column. Set the sort to the display column and order descending to show the most recent dates at the top.
Then create your main data set. Maybe its something like
select * from ae_p_pst_e where status_date > ? and status_date < ?.
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