Monday, December 20, 2010

Creating Birt Sub-Reports Using Dataset Parameter Binding

I'm going to write about a feature that I only recently discovered and wished I knew about a long time ago. The concept is how to do sub-reporting and neatly tie the master value with sub-reports using something called dataset parameter binding.

For example, let's say I have a master record like a service contract, and I want to report all the associated invoices associated to the service contract.

I have a primary dataset of service contracts, and a secondary dataset of invoices.

Make a table for service contract. Inside the detail row of the service contract table, place another table for invoice data.

Create a dataset parameter in the invoice dataset. It is not tied to a report parameter, so you are forced to choose a default value. Go ahead and do this even though it seems weird.

Then go to your invoice table. Select binding and click on dataset parameter binding. Edit the existing binding by identifying the corresponding dataset row from the contract table. This ties the outer table to the inner table.

Once you get this simple example you can expand the concept. I made a dashboard for shop supervisors a combination of 5 charts and tables all using dataset parameter binding that works great in the Aim Workdesk.


  1. Hi Eric,

    Nice to see another person getting into BIRT, theres a load of free info over at which should help

  2. thanks, completely solved my problem!
